Brawlhalla Wiki
Idle Pose
Official Art
The Minotaur
Strength Stats8 Axe Icon
Dexterity Stats3
Defence Stats6 Grapple Hammer Icon
Speed Stats5
Gender: Male
Bot Name: Terobot
Store Price: Coin Gold 3,900
Store Description: You mess with the bull you'll get the axe. Then the horns, like, right after.
Released: April 10, 2015
(Beta 1.8.0)

Teros is one of the available characters in the game Brawlhalla.

Wielding a Hammer and Axe combo, Teros' life travelling from battle to battle has instilled a slow but undeniable brutality into him - this brutality makes him a ferocious fighter, and his animalistic recklessness makes him dangerously unpredictable, which he uses to great effect in the eternal tournament.


The Minotaur

"Searching the dragon 's chamber, we found yet another passage leading down. By the dwarf's reckoning, we were now twenty levels below the ruined keep. After a long descent, we emerged into the center of a vast stone labyrinth."
– Flynkin Furfoot, only survivor of Heroes for Hire's expedition to Peril Mountain
"I hate 'adventurers.' Always so sure, so sure. Like they have a magic spell that can tell good from evil, right from wrong."
– Teros

As the story goes...

The orphan boy-calf Teros relied on his terrible visage and instinct for sudden violence to survive on the streets of Dragonport. He got by as a stone carrier and debt collector until, in the gladiator pits, he found his true calling in reckless combat.

He thrived in the ring, crushing cleverer foes with implacable fury and animal wile. In the end, he could only be pitted against the rare ogre or giant, and he moved on to a life of wandering.

For a time, he carved out a place in Fangwild Forest, shouldering aside a wyvern and a hobgoblin clan. Later, he fell in with the Iron Legion, turning the tide of the Battle of Orc Pass for the Zombie Lord. His tenure as wizard's henchman ended typically - with the evil mage shrieking to him, "Finish Them!" while fleeing through a magic portal. He lived for a while deep in Peril Mountain, where he found a strange comfort in the maze of abandoned tunnels.

In Valhalla, Teros is indifferent to the rules or intent of the Tournament, but takes savage joy in all battle. His nightly visit to the mead hall is heralded by throngs of fleeing Valhallans.


Battle Axe
Battle Axe
Axe Skin
Iron Mallet
Iron Mallet
Hammer Skin


The following Stances can be equipped for Teros:

StatIcon Base NoBorder Base Stance StatIcon Str NoBorder Strength StatIcon Dex NoBorder Dexterity StatIcon Def NoBorder Defense StatIcon Spd NoBorder Speed
Strength 8 Stats8
Dexterity 3 Stats3
Defence 6 Stats6
Speed 5 Stats5
Strength 9 Stats8plus1
Dexterity 3 Stats3
Defence 5 Stats6minus1
Speed 5 Stats5
Strength 7 Stats8minus1
Dexterity 4 Stats3plus1
Defence 6 Stats6
Speed 5 Stats5
Strength 8 Stats8
Dexterity 3 Stats3
Defence 7 Stats6plus1
Speed 4 Stats5minus1
Strength 8 Stats8
Dexterity 2 Stats3minus1
Defence 6 Stats6
Speed 6 Stats5plus1
Unlocked by default Unlocked at level 8 Unlocked at level 3 Unlocked at level 6 Unlocked at level 4

Level Rewards

The following rewards can be unlocked by leveling up Teros:

Rewards for Teros
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21+
Color Blue Color Yellow Color Green Color Orange Dexterity Stance Speed Stance Color Purple Defense Stance Coin Gold 120 Strength Stance Coin Gold 120 Color Cyan Coin Gold 120 Color Brown Coin Gold 120 Color Sunset Coin Gold 120 Color Gray Coin Gold 120 Color Pink Coin Gold 120 Color Red Coin Gold 120

List of Skins

Rift Dweller Teros
Rift Dweller Teros
Cost: Coin Mammoth 140
The Yetee Teros
The Yetee Teros
Bonus with purchase Brawlhalla merchandise from The Yetee
Mecha Teros
Mecha Teros
Cost: Coin Mammoth 140
Gatekeeper Teros
Gatekeeper Teros
Cost: Coin Mammoth 140
Epic Skin
Cost: Coin Mammoth 240
Roman Reigns
Epic Skin
Roman Reigns
Cost: Coin Mammoth 300
Hall Minotaur Teros
Hall Minotaur Teros
Cost: Coin Mammoth 140
EventIcon BackToSchool Back to School exclusive
Metadev Teros
Metadev Teros
Not normally obtainable.
See Metadev.
Patrick Star
Epic Skin
Patrick Star
Cost: Coin Mammoth 300

Color Variants
