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Idle Pose
Official Art
The Mysterious Stranger
Strength Stats4 Rocket Lance Icon
Dexterity Stats6
Defence Stats6 Spear Icon
Speed Stats6
Gender: Male
Bot Name: Autorion
Store Price: Coin Gold 2,300
Store Description: A riddle wrapped in an enigma wrapped in Ivaldic battle armor. Here he is called Orion.
Released: April 30, 2014
(Alpha Launch)

Orion is one of the available characters in the game Brawlhalla. His weapons are Rocket Lance and Spear.


The Mysterious Stranger

"Sir Roland swears Orion is the Gold Knight he never slew. Bödvar insists he is Thor in disguise. Gnash believes he is a magic rock monster. Lucien is moved to incoherent rage at the sight of him. I don't care who he is; I just want to take him apart and see how he works."
– Scarlet
"Yellow man bad"
– Brawlhalla Community

As the story goes...

Watching from the doors of Valhalla, Bödvar, Cassidy and the other legends saw a blazing trail of smoke cut across the Asgardian sky. Behind the fiery comet, a Valkyrie raced in pursuit, as though trying to stop the fireball as it plunged into the fields of Folkvangr in a gout of dirt and flame. The legends then watched as Valkyries and emissaries of Odin gathered around the smoking crater.

Weeks later, the Sons of Ivaldi, the same dwarven smiths who had forged Odin's spear, quietly appeared in Asgard. They bore a suit of dazzling golden armor and presented it to the gods themselves. Soon after, the mighty Orion joined the feast halls of Valhalla.

Tentative and aloof at first, Orion soon warmed to the great hall and is now among its greatest warriors and most popular champions. Orion does not speak of his past, and other legends can only speculate. But Valkyries stop by his chambers to ask if he wants to, "you know, hang out or whatever, no big deal." He is the only hero seen to leave Asgard from time to time.


Armored Attack Rocket
Armored Attack Rocket
Rocket Lance Skin
Sunforged Spear
Sunforged Spear
Spear Skin


Rocket Lance Icon Rocket Lance
Attack Image Description
Neutral Sig Orion LanceN Orion shoulders his lance, aiming it diagonally upward, and fires a powerful blast from the exhaust.
Side Sig Orion LanceS

Orion readies his jet wings and boosts forward, reaching his lance out to hit anyone in front of him.

This attack can be slightly steered if running before charging. Additionally, if slide-charged off stage, Orion will float while charging instead of falling.

Down Sig Orion LanceD Orion jumps backwards, shooting a barrage of blast shots from the exhaust of his lance.
Spear Icon Spear
Attack Image Description
Neutral Sig Orion SpearN Orion jumps high into the air and comes back down, jabbing his spear into the ground while stunning anyone in his path. If done off stage, Orion's spear jab will reach much lower than normal.
Side Sig Orion SpearS Orion propels himself forward with his jet wings, letting loose an energy slash at the end of his boost.
Down Sig Orion SpearD Orion spins in place with his spear aimed out, creating a ring of slashing blue energy to hit anyone around him.


The following Stances can be equipped for Orion:

StatIcon Base NoBorder Base Stance StatIcon Str NoBorder Strength StatIcon Dex NoBorder Dexterity StatIcon Def NoBorder Defense StatIcon Spd NoBorder Speed
Strength 4 Stats4
Dexterity 6 Stats6
Defence 6 Stats6
Speed 6 Stats6
Strength 5 Stats4plus1
Dexterity 6 Stats6
Defence 5 Stats6minus1
Speed 6 Stats6
Strength 4 Stats4
Dexterity 7 Stats6plus1
Defence 6 Stats6
Speed 5 Stats6minus1
Strength 4 Stats4
Dexterity 5 Stats6minus1
Defence 7 Stats6plus1
Speed 6 Stats6
Strength 3 Stats4minus1
Dexterity 6 Stats6
Defence 6 Stats6
Speed 7 Stats6plus1
Unlocked by default Unlocked at level 3 Unlocked at level 6 Unlocked at level 8 Unlocked at level 4

Level Rewards

The following rewards can be unlocked by leveling up Orion:

Rewards for Orion
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21+
Color Blue Color Green Color Brown Color Orange Strength Stance Speed Stance Color Purple Dexterity Stance Coin Gold 120 Defense Stance Coin Gold 120 Color Cyan Coin Gold 120 Color Yellow Coin Gold 120 Color Sunset Coin Gold 120 Color Gray Coin Gold 120 Color Pink Coin Gold 120 Color Red Coin Gold 120

List of Skins

Dark Age Orion
Dark Age Orion
Cost: Coin Mammoth 140
Harbinger Orion
Harbinger Orion
Cost: Coin Mammoth 200
Atomic Orion
Atomic Orion
Cost: Coin Mammoth 80
Metadev Orion
Metadev Orion
Not normally obtainable.
See Metadev
Orion For Hire
Orion For Hire
Cost: Coin Mammoth 200
Kabuto Orion
Kabuto Orion
Cost: Coin Mammoth 140
Atlantean Orion
Atlantean Orion
Cost: Coin Mammoth 140
EventIcon Summer Heatwave exclusive
Black Knight
Epic Skin
Black Knight
Cost: Coin Mammoth 300
Cyber Oni Orion
Cyber Oni Orion
Cost: Coin Mammoth 140
Orion Prime
Epic Skin
Orion Prime
Season Five - Gold Pass Season Five | Tier 85 Reward
Live Action Orion
Live Action Orion
Season Eight - Gold Pass Season Eight | Tier 65 Reward

Color Variants

Click an image to view it in higher resolution.


  • Orion has undergone several name changes, being named "Völst" before Beta v1.0, and "Hildr" before any playable releases.
  • Before Patch 5.09, Orion's bot name was "Orbot." This was changed because Reno's orb is named Orbot.
  • Orion is a hated legend in some communities due to his easily abusable signatures. The phrase "Yellow Man Bad" has been created to express discontent towards Orion players.

See Also
