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Chooser of the Slain, Slayer of the Chosen
Strength Stats5 Axe Icon
Dexterity Stats5
Defence Stats5 Spear Icon
Speed Stats7
Gender: Female
Bot Name: Bryborg
Store Price: Coin Gold 900
Store Description: Asgard's hometown hero, this half-Valkyrie can't escape her human side.
Released: August 6, 2015
(Beta 1.15.0)

Brynn is one of the available characters in the game Brawlhalla. This glorious angel-looking woman wields an Axe and a Spear, with the only stat of her kit that is not capped at 5 points being her Speed, which is as 7. All of her other stats have 5 points assigned to them.


Chooser of the Slain, Slayer of the Chosen

"Child, you are my daughter and a Valkyrie - a goddess. Your father was a mortal, it is true, but he was a great warrior - perhaps the greatest. So do not complain to me that the Elves whisper behind your back. Ignore them - they know you outshine them all. Or put them to the sword."
– The Valkyrie Hypernia to a young Brynn
"Most Valkyries are too by-the-runes to see greatness where I find it. Do you remember their faces when I brought the minotaur to Valhalla?"
– Brynn, drinking with Heimdall

As the story goes...

Children are rare among the immortals of Asgard, and every immortal with any heart came to love Hypernia's daughter, the heir to her immortal mother's impossible beauty and her human father's legendary charm. Brynn grew up in every corner of Asgard. She made it her school and her playground. Raised to be a Valkyrie, she nonetheless can shoe an eight legged horse, weave the threads of fate with the Norns, and curse a blue streak in Dwarvish.

As a Valkyrie, her sense for the mortal mind has helped her spot greatness in the most unlikely places, not just in princes on battlefields, holding their swords high. Three of her most shocking choices have won the Great Tournament. But Asgard is a vast society, and some don't see Brynn as a true Asgardian, while her success has bred jealousy as well as admiration.

Brynn was drawn to the tournament by a desire to study these mortals. Does she belong with them? She watched, learned their ways, and eventually came to love their bravura and their mettle. Now she competes for the pure joy of it, her human thirst for the fight surprising everyone, including herself.


Axe Skin
Spear Skin


The following Stances can be equipped for Brynn:

StatIcon Base NoBorder Base Stance StatIcon Str NoBorder Strength StatIcon Dex NoBorder Dexterity StatIcon Def NoBorder Defense StatIcon Spd NoBorder Speed
Strength 5 Stats5
Dexterity 5 Stats5
Defence 5 Stats5
Speed 7 Stats7
Strength 6 Stats5plus1
Dexterity 4 Stats5minus1
Defence 5 Stats5
Speed 7 Stats7
Strength 5 Stats5
Dexterity 6 Stats5plus1
Defence 5 Stats5
Speed 6 Stats7minus1
Strength 4 Stats5minus1
Dexterity 5 Stats5
Defence 6 Stats5plus1
Speed 7 Stats7
Strength 5 Stats5
Dexterity 5 Stats5
Defence 4 Stats5minus1
Speed 8 Stats7plus1
Unlocked by default Unlocked at level 4 Unlocked at level 3 Unlocked at level 6 Unlocked at level 8

Level Rewards

The following rewards can be unlocked by leveling up Brynn:

Rewards for Brynn
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21+
Color Blue Color Yellow Color Green Color Brown Dexterity Stance Strength Stance Color Orange Defense Stance Coin Gold 120 Speed Stance Coin Gold 120 Color Purple Coin Gold 120 Color Cyan Coin Gold 120 Color Sunset Coin Gold 120 Color Gray Coin Gold 120 Color Pink Coin Gold 120 Color Red Coin Gold 120

List of Skins

Aesir-Forged Brynn
Aesir-Forged Brynn
Cost: Coin Mammoth 140
Fallen Brynn
Fallen Brynn
Cost: Coin Mammoth 140
Eternal Love Brynn
Eternal Love Brynn
Cost: Coin Mammoth 140
EventIcon Valentines Valhallentine's exclusive
Cinderguard Brynn
Cinderguard Brynn
Cost: Coin Mammoth 140
Metadev Brynn
Metadev Brynn
Not normally obtainable.
See Metadev
Völsung Brynn
Volsung Brynn
Cost: Coin Mammoth 140
Witchfire Brynn
Witchfire Brynn
Cost: Coin Mammoth 140
Epic Skin
Cost: Coin Mammoth 300
Aurora Brynn
Epic Skin
Aurora Brynn
Season Three - Gold Pass Season Three | Tier 85 Reward
Eivor (Female)
Epic Skin
Eivor (Female)
Cost: Coin Mammoth 300
Eivor (Male)
Epic Skin
Eivor (Male)
Cost: Coin Mammoth 300
Comes with Eivor (Female)

Color Variants

Click an image to view it in higher resolution.


  • Before Patch 5.00, Brynn's store price was Coin Gold 5,400.
  • In the lore, the phrase "Your father was a mortal, it is true", the relation of Hypernia with Sir Roland, along his physical similarities with Brynn, suggest that Sir Roland is her father.

See Also
